Society Golf Day

On a beautiful sunny day, with just a hint of autumn in the air, nineteen eager golfers gathered at Oakland Park Golf Club for our annual Society Golf Day. We enjoyed delicious bacon baps and coffee as we were greeted by Pam and Chris, who had organised the day, and were given our teams and told the format of the competition.
The first intrepid trio teed off at 9:00am and, before long, we were all on our way trying to drive the ball straight enough to cling onto the fairways and thereafter negotiating the various hazards: – long grass, big trees, strategically placed bunkers and various areas of water.
Many of the holes were lined with wild flowers, which provided a stunning array of colours, a consolation to those of us whose shots were less than glorious.
After golf, hot and weary, we gathered on the patio for a welcome drink with non-playing members who were joining us for lunch providing a welcome opportunity to catch up with old friends.
A delicious lunch was served upstairs by the efficient, friendly staff before Chris Thomas announced the day’s winners:
Jane Morris, Colin Thomas and Tony Glyn-Jones won the team event.
Colin Thomas had the best net score with an impressive 40 points.
Marilyn Evans won the Ladies` longest drive

Huw Thomas won the Men’s longest drive
Jane Morris was nearest the pin for the ladies
John Rigelsford was nearest the pin for the men.

After the results, Rob Britten and Ralph Broomby paid tribute to Mike Stythe, a long-standing member of the Society who died earlier this year. Ralph told some wonderful stories of walking and climbing trips led by Mike in his beloved Snowdonia with members of the society, whose courage he tested to the full with some hair-raising feats. He will be greatly missed.
Many thanks to Pam Britten and Chris Thomas whose superb organisation greatly contributed to an extremely enjoyable day. I’m sure we are all looking forward to next year’s event: let’s hope the weather will be as kind, the lunch as delicious and, for some of us, the golf of a higher standard.
Pat Whitworth