Our 2023 quiz evening was held on Friday 20th January at Coleshill Village Hall. It was a cold night and people were pleased that the hall’s heating was turned up.
This year Ruth Huckle set the quiz and was our quizmaster, ably assisted by her friend Lesley, who acted as scorekeeper.
We divided ourselves up into 5 teams, and decided on our team names.
This year the names chosen were mostly Welsh: Stargazers, Yma o Hyd (Still Here), Gwin a Dwr (Wine and Water) Pobl Yr Wyddfa (People of Snowdon) and Eryri (Snowdonia). Most tables were well provisioned with nibbles and drinks to act as brain food.

Ruth is an enthusiastic quizzer herself, and this year’s questions had more of a flavour of a pub quiz.
The occasion was more of a get-together and a chance to meet other members after the Christmas break, but teams still wanted to perform well!

There were rounds on General Knowledge, Wales (of course), Geography, a chocolate based round and one where some knowledge of cockney rhyming slang was an advantage.
Embarrassingly, the round that everyone found hardest was the Welsh round (many of us had forgotten that the Welshman Michael Barratt was better known as Shakin’ Stevens).
Halfway through the evening the fish and chips delivery arrived. It had been supplied by ‘The Village Chippie’ in Three Households was really very good and they had managed to deliver them still hot and crisp. Some of us had ordered ‘naked fish’ (without batter) and they reported that these were excellent.
We finished the quiz at 10pm and Ruth announced the scores.
Out of a possible total of 75: Yma o Hyd came in first with 68 points, followed closely by Eryri with 64.5. Third was Gwin a Dwr with 64,while Pobl Yr Wyddfa had 63. Stargazers came fifth with 61.5, but they did really well given that there were only four of them.
As we pushed the tables and chairs to one side, people were saying how much they had enjoyed the evening and what an varied and interesting quiz it had been.
Our thanks to Ruth and Lesley for giving us a splendid evening.