Summer Lunch 2024

Chiltern Welsh: Summer Lunch 7th July. 2024.

This year the lunch was held at the home of Ralph and Margaret Broomby in Chesham Bois.  It is worth highlighting that the drama started on the previous day  – a thunder and lightning event with hindrance from the accompanied monsoon- when the volunteers were erecting the marquees. They are to be applauded – the end result looked very professional.


And so to the Sunday of the Lunch. At noon the elements decided to make their contribution – another downpour.  Come one o’clock some 40 determined guests had arrived – looking dressed for a January walk in the Chilterns – vests included – so I was told by many of the ladies .  However, then – the sun decided to shine on proceedings.






It all turned out to be a warm and friendly event with an excellent lunch – courtesy of Ann Tennant’s able helpers, Karen and Keira –  the puddings and cheeses were of outstanding standard.


A challenging photographic quiz had been assembled by Ralph and this provided much debate and entertainment.  It is a tribute to the members that they did not let a minor flood impact conversation and the general enjoyment of the afternoon.   Da iawn I bawb  ( Well done to all ). A credit to the camaraderie and enthusiasm that has been created over more than 20 years of the Society’s establishment.

It was sad to reflect on the recently deceased members – Jonathan Pegler, Peter Lawrence, Nina Ford and Barrie Reece. Over the years, all have added to the riches of the Society.

The event concluded in sunshine and warm hugs.

Gwyn Owen
10 July 2024

There are a few more photographs of the day here.

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