2024 Golf Day

It was our good fortune to enjoy a dry and mild day for our Annual Golf event at Oakland Park Golf Club. A perfect day for golf, though the same adjective would not accurately describe the golf played.

Three teams of three competed in a “Texas Scramble”. In this special format a team sets off with each player taking a shot. One of the shots is chosen and it is from the location of that chosen ball that each player’s next shot is taken. The team proceeds in this way until a ball is holed. Another detail is that the team must select at least 5 shots from the tee played by each team member.

Each team included a member of Oakland Golf Club, who would be familiar with the course. Rob Britton led the first team to tee off, accompanied by Rob Brett and Ray Brown. The latter was a last minute replacement for the injured Brian Evans, but was an eminently well-qualified substitute as his wife is Welsh.  Despite sharing the same initials this team did not always share the same opinion when trying to choose their “best” shot. Perhaps a consequence of putting two retired legal eagles in the same team.

The second team consisted of Pam Britton accompanied by Gwyndaf John and John Whitworth, and the third saw Colin Thomas partnered by Pat Whitworth and Alun McCarthy.

The “best shot” format ensures that players of all standards contribute to the team result, with wayward shots forgotten – mostly! The team members bond together in their collective effort, and it is good fun.

By the end we were all thankful for and appreciative of our playing partners’ efforts, as one example shows. From the first tee John hit his drive off into the rough on the right, Gwyndaf’s ball soared high and was lost in the shrubbery to the left. Fortunately, for the first but not the last time during the round, Pam stepped up and struck her drive sweetly down the middle of the fairway.

The end result was very close indeed. Though there were no birdies recorded, there were plenty of pars recorded on all the scorecards. In the end Pam, John and Gwyndaf scraped home as the winners. They took 81 strokes, just one stroke less than the two Robs’ and Ray. Another three behind were Colin, Pat and Alun.

After the golf the players were joined by other members of the Society for a splendid two course lunch. Among those attending were Elan and Robin Preston-Whyte who had travelled over from Egham. A later than usual start to the golf meant a late sitting for the meal, so thanks are due to all the non-playing guests for their patience.

Prizes were awarded to the winning team, and Gwyndaf and Rob were thanked for arranging the event.




Gwyndaf John


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