Quiz Night 20th January 2017

On the evening of the inauguration of President Donald Trump, members of the CWDS had better things to do – Quiz Night!

Jonathan & Jayne

Jonathan & Jayne

Everyone braved the cold and gathered around 7pm and settled in tables of 6 or 7, six teams altogether. This year Jonathan’s lovely assistant was his wife Jayne.

Subjects for the five rounds included Water, the Year 2016 and Entertainment. The most difficult questions were on one of the table rounds, consisting of pictures of islands off the coast of Wales, which we had to try to identify.

Halfway through the evening we stopped for supper, provided by Ann Tennant and her ladies.








At the end of the evening, with our heads reeling, Graham Beavan’s team, the Bluebirds, were the clear leaders and stepped up to accept their prizes.






Thanks to Jonathan and Jayne for devising and conducting the quiz.

2016 Quiz Night

Friday 22nd January, 7pm, Coleshill Village Hall saw the 2016 Chiltern District Welsh Society annual quiz evening.

Chairman, Kay Day, welcomed everyone and asked us to arrange ourselves into tab
les of 6 or 7.
I looked around for the table with the best looking array of drinks and nibbles. Then quizmaster, Jonathan Pegler introduced our first task – to think of a name for our 6 newly formed teams.
The names selected were the Travellers, Ospreys, Double Crossers, Newbies, Exiles and Dwygyfylchi (it’s a village near Conwy – I looked it up).
IMG_0381aJonathan explained that would be 5 rounds of questions plus 2 table rounds. These were sheets of 20 questions placed on each table, to be answered over the course of the evening. The first was a series of 20 photographs of people with a Welsh connection, and the second set of questions involved guessing the language used for 20 different phrases each saying “I’m sorry I don’t speak Welsh” in a different European tongue (including Latvian, Azerbaijani and Bulgarian).
Jonathan, aided by his lovely assistant and score keeper, Gwyndaf John, then started the quiz proper, with 2 rounds of 10 questions, the first on general knowledge and then a second round on the subject of Chad or Chard.
Whilst the scores from these first rounds were being collected, an evening supper was
provided –either chili con carne or fish pie, followed by a wide choice of puddings and tea or coffee.
After supper we had a little time to continue with identifying the people in the photographs, and wildly guessing some of the languages (was that Spanish or Esperanto, Russian or
Bulgarian?) Gwyndaf revealed the half-time scores, and it was really quite close, with all teams still in the running – i.e. we were all failing quite badly in answering Jonathan’s
cryptic questions.
Three more rounds followed, with subjects including events that occurred on 22nd
January in recent or distant history, a tricky round involving estimating distances (in
Wales, around the earth, and a mathematical puzzle based on Jonathan’s swimming regime), and lastly another general knowledge round, with more than a few questions based on the society’s trips to Wales.
By this time my brain was hurting, as Gwyndaf revealed one of the closest sco
res yet, with only 4 points separating the top 5 teams, but Dwygfylchi emerged as clear winners of the 2016 Quiz.
Congratulations to the team, and many thanks to Jonathan (and Gwyndaf) for the quiz.

CDWS Quiz Evening 2015

The annual Welsh Society Quiz evening took place at the Coleshill Village Hall on Friday 23rd January.

Jonathan Pegler set the quiz and acted as inquisitor, assisted by Gwyndaf John and making good use of the Society’s new Epson projector

Approximately 37 members attended, split into 6 teams or 5 to 7 each with names such as ‘Brains of Swansea’, ‘The Chancers’, ‘Opreys’, ‘Ynys Môn’ ‘The Double Crossers’ and ‘The Travellers’.

Jonathan’s rounds concerned various topics such as Peers of the Realm – no that should read Piers of the Realm, the unintelligible assigning of aircraft registration letters, events that happened on the 23rd of January (such as the end of the battle of Rourke’s Drift), and rounds on Wales (of course), Science, Art and Political figures.

Halfway through the evening, with 3 teams battling for 1st place, we paused for a change to our usual fish and chip supper – Ann Lawrence provided us with delicious quiche and salad, finished off with tea and Welsh cakes, generously provided by Jean Owen.

Who says real men don't eat quiche?

Who says real men don’t eat quiche?

As the evening progressed the Travellers team, comprising Chris and Hazel Thomas, Kerry and Frank Birbeck and Graham and Anthea Beavan, began to increase their lead, and by the end of the evening their lead was unassailable.

The winning team - The Travellers

The winning team – The Travellers

Our thanks go to Jonathan for the quiz, Gwyndaf for keeping score, Ann Lawrence for arranging the hall and providing the food, Jean Owen for the Welsh cakes and the team of Ann Lawrence, Anne Evans and Anthea Beavan for supervising the food.

St David’s Day Dinner & the Quiz Night

St David’s Day Dinner

Our St David’s Day Dinner this year will be held on Friday 1st March at Gerrards Cross Golf Club.

The entertainment this year will be provided by the renowned harpist Claire Jones.

A Welcome drink will be served from 18.30pm with Dinner from 19.15pm

Tickets are £40 per person.

Wine with the meal is not included in the ticket price but can be purchased on the night from an excellent selection available.

The three course meal will be served, with coffee & mints to finish. The menu will be:


Marinated Prawn Skewers (Lemon & herb) with mixed leaves

Alternative option: Leek & Potato Soup


Roast Saddle of Lamb with Roasted Winter Vegetables, New Potatoes, Apricot Stuffing, Red Current Jus

Alternative Vegetarian option: Roasted Mediterranean Vegetable and Pesto Tagliatelle


Bread & Butter Pudding & Custard

Alternative option: Fruit Salad (with cream)


Tea/Coffee & Mints

Song-sheets will be ready for our usual rousing finale with John Breese at the piano, so all we need is for plenty of members and guests to turn up!


Please return the booking form, with your cheque(s) made payable to Chiltern District Welsh Society. So that we have an early indication of numbers please would you email Gwyndaf with numbers. If you wish to form a table with certain other members & guests let Maldwyn or Gwyn know.


Quiz Night Friday 25th January

Twenty four brave members of the Welsh Society braved the winter weather to venture to the Coleshill Village Hall on a dark night in January.

We arranged ourselves into 5 teams of between four and six people.

Mr Jonathan Pegler set the fiendish questions in 7 rounds with subjects such as General Knowledge, 2012, Quotations, Chilterns & London and a Welsh round.

Fish and chips arrived to great acclaim about 8:30pm and gave a brief break from the questions. Jonathan reassured us that the questions were really very easy, it was only finding the answers that was difficult!

Competition was fierce, with each team trying hard not to be last. After a challenge to the electronic scoring system and a re-count a team called ‘the Odd Group’ declared themselves the winners and rushed to claim the glory and prizes.

Quiz Winners - The Odd Group

Quiz Winners – The Odd Group

We finished about 10pm and it was amazing how quickly the hall was cleared of tables and chairs with so many volunteers.

Thanks to Jonathan for all your hard work in preparing and running the quiz.


St David’s Day Dinner 2012

Our St David’s Day Dinner this year will be held on Friday 2nd March at Harewood Downs Golf Club.

We have been extremely fortunate that Roy Noble will join us as our guest speaker this year. He is very much in demand as an ‘After Dinner Speaker’ with an inimitable way of story-telling.


After a distinguished career in education this former Head-teacher is now one of Wales’ best known broadcasters presenting his own daily show on Radio Wales. He has also presented many TV programmes and written a number of books.

He was awarded an OBE for his charity work and is involved in very many charities. He is a goodwill ambassador for UNICEF,  a special envoy for the Welsh Tourist Board, and is the current Ambassador for the United Nations International Youth Movement.

A native of Brynaman, Roy now lives in Aberdare.

For the meal there will be a choice of starters, main course and desserts, with coffee & mints to finish.

Wine with the meal is not included in the ticket price but can be ordered on the night from an excellent selection offered by the Club Steward.

Those booking to attend will be provided with details of the course options from which to make your choice, and also the range of wines available.

Tickets are £40 per person, which includes the welcome drinks on arrival served from 7.40pm. The meal will follow from 8.20pm.

A keyboard and songsheets will be ready for our usual rousing finale, so all we need is for plenty of members and guests to turn up!


Quiz Night
Our Quiz night on 27th January was very popular with 38 people braving the weather and competing to answer questions with a Welsh theme.

Modesty forbids me from mentioning which team won.
